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1. Environment

1.1 Prerequisites

  • Maven CLI;
  • Git CLI;
  • Java 11;
  • An IDE of your preference;
  • If using Windows, PowerShell is recommended;
  • Helidon CLI (optional);
  • REST client tools like cURL or postman (Optional);


The helidon CLI is needed for only on optional labs where you can experience some features that are only available through this tool.

To check if you have the above tools installed, open your terminal and running the following the commands. You should be able to see the version of each of the tools:

java -version
mvn -version
git --version

1.1.1 Installing helidon CLI (optional)

To install Helidon, you can run the commands below according to your O.S:


curl -O
chmod +x ./helidon
sudo mv ./helidon /usr/local/bin/


curl -O
chmod +x ./helidon
sudo mv ./helidon /usr/local/bin/


PowerShell -Command Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\Windows\system32\helidon.exe"

You can verify the installation by running in the terminal:

helidon version

Helidon CLI is available for Helidon 2+.

1.2 Prepare your working directory

The exercises are built on top of quickstart projects, a foundation of preconfigured projects. You need the projects available in your local development environment.

To get the foundation projects and build them, you can run:

git clone
cd helidon-microstream-training-labs-foundation
mvn clean package

The build and packaging should complete successfully.

Last update: 2022-06-28